The Best Bonsai Tree For Your Dorm Room
As the summer starts to fade into the crisp cool air of fall, two things are a certain:
- Leaves will be vibrant and colorful soon enough.
- You’re about to get bombarded by “back to school” marketing.
While it’s important to buy actual school stuff, like notebooks and actual books, a few creature comforts can have dramatic effects on your life when away at college.
So while you’re picking out shower caddy’s, and stocking up on instant noodles, perhaps you should think about some art.
Not wall art… living art.
Indoor house plants have been proven to boost your mood, increase productivity, and clean the air. If you or a loved one is living on their own in a dorm room on a campus somewhere, wouldn’t you want them to enjoy those benefits?
Thankfully for us, bonsai tree’s are living plants, so those benefits transfer over to our world.
Plus, they can help clean and freshen the very air you’ll be breathing in that dorm!
(And dorm room air can get pretty stale from time to time….)
But not every tree will work for your dorm room.
Junipers, maples, pines, and any tree that needs a cool or cold winter to go dormant just won’t do. A dorm room will never get cold enough to make those trees happy over the winter.
But the tropicals, like Hawaiian Umbrella bonsai, or a Baby Jade bonsai, or even a beautiful flowering Serissa bonsai can work out just fine if you give it a summer vacation outdoors.
Those are all trees that need a warm winter, and can survive indoors for the school year if properly cared for.
The only other considerations are light and humidity.
Humidity can be solved by the addition of a simple humidity tray and a spray bottle.
Light is another issue… but once again, technology solves that problem. You can pick up a desktop grow light to ensure your indoor bonsai tree can survive regardless of where the window is in your dorm room.
So now you’ve got a beautiful bonsai tree in your dorm room…
The air is fresher…
The mood is more cheerful…
Your productivity is off the charts….
Your social life is improving?
Have you ever noticed that when people see a bonsai tree, they stop to check it out? And if they know that it’s yours, they say something about it?
It’s happened to me a bunch of times with house guests.
They see my collection and sort of marvel at it. They say something about how beautiful the trees are, and how much they love them, and how they wish they had an interesting hobby like that…
It’s very much unintentional — I just like bonsai trees — but that’s the perception people have about a unique and artistic hobby like bonsai.
It might just be the conversation opener that’s needed on your floor.
So far I’ve listed about 5 reasons why every dorm room needs a bonsai tree, and I can probably list 5 more, but the fact of the matter is that every house, dorm room and garden needs more bonsai trees.
Just make sure you pick the right one for your situation, and you’ll have a lifelong companion to always brighten your mood.
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